vers. 7 Jul 2024 - beta

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Band Mode Min
 CallsignDXFlagsStart TimeBandMode 
VK6CIA BA7LUI Australia - China 12:0315mFT8 
BH7MML OE/DL6CGU China - Austria 12:0310mFT8 
F1BAY 9K2OW France - Kuwait 12:0310mFT8 
OH6ECM YJ0Y Finland - Vanuatu 12:0310mUSB 
RV9UAF RK9UT Asiatic Russia - Asiatic Russia 12:0312MFT4 
BA7LUI VK6CIA China - Australia 12:0315mFT8 
VK2JEH K5CD Australia - United States 12:0340mFT8 
PC4H SJ6R Netherlands - Sweden 12:0320mCW 
IU5HIU JA1KDU Italy - Japan 12:0315mFT8 
PA1RGX KB1EFS Netherlands - United States 12:0210mFT8 
JA9IWY LU1QGM Japan - Argentina 12:0217mFT8 
BA1PK PE1RF China - Netherlands 12:0212mFT8 
HB9MZI KG9N Switzerland - United States 12:0210mFT8 
F5NBQ SP5CWC France - Poland 12:0215mFT8 
DO9BAU OH4XX Fed. Republic of Germany - Finland 12:0215mFT8 
9M1Z UN7ECA East Malaysia - Kazakhstan 12:0220mFT8 
RV9UAF R2BDY Asiatic Russia - European Russia 12:0212MFT4 
VU2TUM UW5Y India - Ukraine 12:0215mUSB 
RA4HEV G4RIQ European Russia - England 12:0210MFT8 
2E0UMF KB1MDP England - United States 12:0215mFT8 
DO1KRT N2CR Fed. Republic of Germany - United States 12:0210mFT4 
R4FDD DL2GHM European Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 12:0212MFT8 
WB4RA 4Z5TK United States - Israel 12:0110mFT8 
W4WWS W6P United States - United States 12:0180mFT8 
5P1KZX AJ9X Denmark - United States 12:0110mFT8 
OM1AN TF1OL/P Slovak Republic - Iceland 12:0117mFT8 
IK4UNQ 3D2USU Italy - Fiji 12:0110mFT4 
A61BG RN3QU United Arab Emirates - European Russia 12:0112mFT8 
KI4FRU N4QS United States - United States 12:0130mFT8 
DO1EHS VU2NKS Fed. Republic of Germany - India 12:0110mFT8 
BD4RHV LU8EFF/S China - Argentina 12:0110mFT8 
R6FDO RK6ANZ European Russia - European Russia 12:0140MSSB 
RV9UAF SU1OK Asiatic Russia - Egypt 12:0112MFT4 
OH8GBT 3D2USU Finland - Fiji 12:0110mFT4 
BH7MML PD1LOX China - Netherlands 12:0110mFT8 
BA1PK DH3GE China - Fed. Republic of Germany 12:0112mFT8 
F5NBQ OM1ASL France - Slovak Republic 12:0115mFT8 
EA1FCR F1PDX Spain - France 12:0120mFT4 
UB3YFO PE1MNB European Russia - Netherlands 12:0120MFT8 
PC4H OK2IW Netherlands - Czech Republic 12:0120mCW 
RA4HEV ON9DC European Russia - Belgium 12:0110MFT8 
EA3RO G1YKV Spain - England 12:0017mFT8 
IW2MLJ G0ACQ Italy - England 12:0020mFT8 
VK2IE AD9DU Australia - United States 12:0030mFT8 
IC8TEM WL7E Italy - Alaska 12:0012mFT8 
VU2JAW BH3MPM India - China 12:0015mFT8 
WA4GBT F4FPR United States - France 12:0010mFT8 
EA7BUU OH/DL2SWW Spain - Finland 12:0017mCW 
PA3PCV JT1A Netherlands - Mongolia 12:0010mFT8 
M6JAY KB4TLH England - United States 12:0010mFT8 
DH2YBG K2IRM Fed. Republic of Germany - United States 12:0012mFT8 
F1BAY UA4LCC France - European Russia 12:0010mFT8 
ZS2EZ YO5BAK Republic of South Africa - Romania 12:0010MFT8 
IK2EST G0JOH/P Italy - England 12:0017mFT8 
BI7ALG BI7KKA China - China 12:0020mFT8 
IU5HIU N5AUA Italy - United States 12:0015mFT8 
BG5UEZ IZ4AFM China - Italy 12:0010mFT8 
VA3SF VK2PP Canada - Australia 12:0020mFT8 
BH3MPM VU2JAW China - India 12:0015mFT8 
OZ5AFM EA7GE Denmark - Spain 12:0020mFT8 
SP5SMY W3UA Poland - United States 12:0017mFT8 
2E0PKK R2BDY England - European Russia 12:0012mFT4 
SV2DFK NA8W Greece - United States 12:0010mFT4 
EA5JFO N1WLD Spain - United States 12:0010mFT8 
RA0JAI BD8DAU Asiatic Russia - China 12:0017MFT8 
R1WBW K8PYD European Russia - United States 12:0017MFT8 
R6LOK D1DX Asiatic Russia - European Russia 12:0040MFT8 
A61BG F1PBZ United Arab Emirates - France 12:0012mFT8 
DO7RMA R8CGG Fed. Republic of Germany - Asiatic Russia 12:0010mFT8 
F5CT KD9YTP France - United States 11:5910mFT8 
EA4HAI OE3HLB Spain - Austria 11:5920mFT8 
OM1AN JA7BEW Slovak Republic - Japan 11:5917mFT8 
KE5HDE UR5LY United States - Ukraine 11:5912mFT8 
OM5TX M0MJA/P Slovak Republic - England 11:5930mFT4 
PA1RGX JT1A Netherlands - Mongolia 11:5910mFT8 
VK2BNG DS4EJA Australia - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 11:5915mFT8 
DO1EHS JT1A Fed. Republic of Germany - Mongolia 11:5910mFT8 
PA3HLE BG0DLA Netherlands - China 11:5915mUSB 
JK3UDU JJ1NNG Japan - Japan 11:5980mFT8 
VK2IE WS3V Australia - United States 11:5930mFT8 
BH7MML LA8PDA China - Norway 11:5910mFT8 
BH3WBQ BH8URS China - China 11:5915mFT8 
R1WBW R9YQ European Russia - Asiatic Russia 11:5917MFT8 
9M1Z JG1RVN East Malaysia - Japan 11:5920mFT8 
R4FDD RV4LZ European Russia - European Russia 11:5912MFT8 
DJ7NT DF0T Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5940mLSB 
DJ7NT DB3MI/P Germany - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5940mLSB 
IZ0EGA VK6JX Italy - Australia 11:5810mFT8 
DO8MMH 5B4AIF Fed. Republic of Germany - Cyprus 11:5815mUSB 
2I0PBM JA7ALI Northern Ireland - Japan 11:5815mFT8 
5P1KZX KK4HAM Denmark - United States 11:5810mFT8 
II9IAGM IT9XXX Italy - Italy 11:5810mFT8 
BI1OBD JA2FQV China - Japan 11:5840mFT8 
KE5HDE UT5ULB United States - Ukraine 11:5812mFT8 
IT9ISS KH8T Italy - American Samoa 11:5810mFT8 
F5JNI AA1ON France - United States 11:5817mFT8 
YO2BTW UN8PC Romania - Kazakhstan 11:5810mFT8 
BI6OIZ JL1GHQ China - Japan 11:5830mFT8 
EA4ETF CO7IG Spain - Cuba 11:5810mFT8 
BA1PK BG8SOH China - China 11:5812mFT8 
F4HJO DL/SQ8NOD/P France - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5840mLSB 
BH3MPM IK4LZH China - Italy 11:5815mFT8 
DO1EHS UN7ECA Fed. Republic of Germany - Kazakhstan 11:5810mFT8 
F5NBQ JF7UYP France - Japan 11:5815mFT8 
UB3YFO PA3FQX European Russia - Netherlands 11:5820MFT8 
SP2EWQ CT1EGW Poland - Portugal 11:5810mFT8 
W2WB K2HVN United States - United States 11:5840mLSB 
WA4GBT PD1TVN United States - Netherlands 11:5710mFT8 
IK7HPG KH8T Italy - American Samoa 11:5710mFT8 
IW2MLJ EG2SDC Italy - Spain 11:5720mFT8 
F4ICE DM50LOW France - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5720mCW 
EB2EMZ 9A7C Spain - Croatia 11:5715MFT8 
HL2KV KH8T Republic of Korea (S. Korea) - American Samoa 11:5740mFT8 
KE5HDE UN3GX United States - Kazakhstan 11:5712mFT8 
N0EUV VK2PPP United States - Australia 11:5720mFT8 
KE8M OH2BEC United States - Finland 11:5715mFT4 
HB9EOT EA7KJT Switzerland - Spain 11:5717mFT8 
OZ1AKZ 3D2USU Denmark - Fiji 11:5710mFT4 
R6LOK D1DX Asiatic Russia - European Russia 11:5730MFT8 
EA1FCR HB9HRR Spain - Switzerland 11:5720mFT4 
BA1PK UR5LY China - Ukraine 11:5712mFT8 
SP5SMY GE4XEX Poland - England 11:5717mFT8 
BH7MML HB9HBZ China - Switzerland 11:5710mFT8 
RU4H M6DRS European Russia - England 11:5710mFT4 
RA4HEV F1PBZ European Russia - France 11:5710MFT8 
RN3RFZ RO2E/M European Russia - European Russia 11:5730MCW 
TF1A UA6FM Iceland - European Russia 11:5710mFT8 
K1LO RA3ZH United States - European Russia 11:5710MFT8 
2I0PBM JA9EIX/P Northern Ireland - Japan 11:5615mFT8 
WX9EM ZL1BQD United States - New Zealand 11:5617mFT8 
F4IIX VU2NKS France - India 11:5610mFT8 
VK2BNG K3WSU Australia - United States 11:5615mFT8 
VK2IE N0AN Australia - United States 11:5630mFT8 
YO2BTW 8Q7WN Romania - Maldives 11:5610mFT8 
KE8M RK1AT United States - European Russia 11:5615mFT4 
BG4UQX RT0W China - Asiatic Russia 11:5620mFT8 
PA3PCV VK6JX Netherlands - Australia 11:5610mFT8 
BA1PK DG8YFM China - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5612mFT8 
JK3UDU JG3EYA Japan - Japan 11:5680mFT8 
BI6OIZ JH5BKC China - Japan 11:5630mFT8 
9M1Z N0FW East Malaysia - United States 11:5620mFT8 
SP2EWQ VU2NKS Poland - India 11:5610mFT8 
KA1MXL KC9UJP United States - United States 11:5630mFT8 
YO3JAZ RA3LCW Romania - European Russia 11:5630mFT8 
TF1A N7XX Iceland - United States 11:5610mFT8 
IU3GKJ DL/SQ8NOD/P Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5640mSSB 
RU4H G1NXS European Russia - England 11:5610mFT4 
VU2JAW JA2HZA India - Japan 11:5515mFT8 
LB2TB YO5IM Norway - Romania 11:5510mCW 
PE1PEP UA4FEN Netherlands - European Russia 11:5512mFT8 
OK1SLM BH7MML Czech Republic - China 11:5510mFT8 
F4HJO YT7POTA/P France - Serbia 11:5520mUSB 
AC9HP WD4LRC United States - United States 11:5517mFT8 
DB9SH Z22AO Fed. Republic of Germany - Zimbabwe 11:5515mFT8 
VU2JAW DJ3FS India - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5515mFT8 
EA3HMM SP5ALV Spain - Poland 11:5510mFT8 
2I0PBM JQ1QMU Northern Ireland - Japan 11:5515mFT8 
SP3DAT ON3KJU Poland - Belgium 11:5540mFT8 
CX6TU HL1LUA Uruguay - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 11:5520mFT8 
WA4GBT LA6OK United States - Norway 11:5510mFT8 
SV8NAJ PY2SAO Greece - Brazil 11:5512mFT8 
PA3HLE UN4Q Netherlands - Kazakhstan 11:5515mUSB 
G4LXT VK1MA England - Australia 11:5512mFT8 
IU5HIU N4LKB Italy - United States 11:5515mFT8 
R1WBW RK4FD European Russia - European Russia 11:5517MFT8 
N4LKB IU5HIU United States - Italy 11:5515mFT8 
BH7MML OK1SLM China - Czech Republic 11:5510mFT8 
BI7ALG V31MA China - Belize 11:5520mFT8 
F5PZT DL2GHM France - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:556mFT8 
KE8M R2BDY United States - European Russia 11:5515mFT4 
EA1FU KD9TZA Spain - United States 11:5510mFT8 
DO1KRT KD2YAR Fed. Republic of Germany - United States 11:5510mFT4 
G1MHU JA0CXQ England - Japan 11:5517mFT8 
K1LO IW3BVV United States - Italy 11:5510MFT8 
F4CTJ F5CUN France - France 11:5415mFT8 
IK4CBO K4XP Italy - United States 11:5410mFT4 
IW0RZB DF0MF Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5420mSSB 
OM5TX HB9CGA/P Slovak Republic - Switzerland 11:5440mCW 
A61BG SP6AXW United Arab Emirates - Poland 11:5412mFT8 
2I0PBM OM0RX Northern Ireland - Slovak Republic 11:5415mFT8 
CA3VKL N4IP Chile - United States 11:5410mFT8 
N0EUV VK6ANB United States - Australia 11:5420mFT8 
HB9EOT VE3CGD Switzerland - Canada 11:5417mFT8 
DO1MLK UN7DT Fed. Republic of Germany - Kazakhstan 11:5415mFT8 
RA0JAI R1WBW Asiatic Russia - European Russia 11:5417MFT8 
R1WBW RA0JAI European Russia - Asiatic Russia 11:5417MFT8 
BI7ALG KY0R China - United States 11:5420mFT8 
YO3JAZ SP6IHE Romania - Poland 11:5430mFT8 
KE5WCT VA2DC United States - Canada 11:5415mFT8 
I8JPO VE3EN Italy - Canada 11:5410mFT8 
KE8M HB9RB United States - Switzerland 11:5415mFT4 
BA1PK DH5MK China - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5412mFT8 
BH7MML ON2WI China - Belgium 11:5410mFT8 
SP6SOZ R3DIU Poland - European Russia 11:5417mFT8 
RA4HEV TM45CDXC European Russia - France 11:5410MFT8 
TF1A UA3EAY Iceland - European Russia 11:5410mFT8 
DO1KRT N2EAB Fed. Republic of Germany - United States 11:5410mFT4 
JS2MKU Z22AO Japan - Zimbabwe 11:5415mFT8 
9M1Z BG5VVL East Malaysia - China 11:5440mFT8 
K1LO ZS1AO United States - Republic of South Africa 11:5410MFT8 
G3VGZ FR4OM England - Reunion Is. 11:5310MFT8 
SP3DAT DK0SG Poland - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5340mFT8 
IW2MLJ EG6SDC Italy - Balearic Is. 11:5320mFT8 
RV9UAF BA1PK Asiatic Russia - China 11:5312MFT8 
PA3HLE UN0LM Netherlands - Kazakhstan 11:5310mUSB 
BA1PK RV9UAF China - Asiatic Russia 11:5312mFT8 
RK9DM RO2E/M Asiatic Russia - European Russia 11:5330MCW 
ON2BCB TA2ECK Belgium - Turkey 11:5320mFT8 
SP5SMY M3CYP Poland - England 11:5317mFT8 
SP9CCA LZ1ZF Poland - Bulgaria 11:5320MFT8 
F4LPS UN7DT France - Kazakhstan 11:5315mFT8 
BA6KC LA8PDA China - Norway 11:5310mFT8 
R1WBW F6EAZ European Russia - France 11:5317MFT8 
JH6DUL KX4RC Japan - United States 11:5317mFT8 
F5NBQ BD4VPZ France - China 11:5315mFT8 
RV9UAF DL7UFR Asiatic Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5312MFT8 
DJ7NT YT7POTA/P Germany - Serbia 11:5320mUSB 
BG6DUI VR2XDB China - Hong Kong 11:5315mFT8 
EA5XA VE3EN Spain - Canada 11:5310mFT8 
BI1OBD DS5ATY China - Republic of Korea (S. Korea) 11:5340mFT8 
BI6OIZ JN3MYA China - Japan 11:5330mFT8 
KE8M DG3DJ United States - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5315mFT4 
R0AU EA3NW Asiatic Russia - Spain 11:5310MFT8 
DO1KRT EA3FHP Fed. Republic of Germany - Spain 11:5310mFT4 
IK2ZEC SU1OK Italy - Egypt 11:5312mFT4 
TF1A US6EX Iceland - Ukraine 11:5310mFT8 
SP2EWQ N3LAG Poland - United States 11:5310mFT8 
RN6FR RM4A European Russia - European Russia 11:5340MSSB 
R4FDD DG8YFM European Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 11:5312MFT8 
K6NLX JA1JAN United States - Japan 11:5220mFT4 
IZ0EGA VE3FGU Italy - Canada 11:5210mFT8